Revolutionary Breakthrough: New Needle-Free IVF Protocol

Needle Free IVFSince being introduced in the 1970s, Conventional IVF treatment has relied heavily upon high dosages of fertility medication – as many as 60 injections per cycle. Look: New Hope Fertility Center is the first program in the world to offer Needle-Free IVF. Why does this matter? It is now possible for women to undergo IVF without the need for injections or blood draws.

Revolutionary Needle-Free IVF only at New Hope

We have achieved another first by introducing Needle-Free IVF. This revolutionary holistic IVF protocol eliminates the fear, pain, and anxiety many patients experience with injections and blood draws – while at the same time, lowering the cost of fertility medications.

We are proud to offer our patients this new, simple and convenient Needle-Free IVF treatment protocol. The best part? Our Needle-Free IVF protocol stimulates a woman’s ovaries into producing multiple egg follicles through the use of oral fertility medications. That’s not all. Hormone levels are measured through urine and saliva tests during a Needle-Free IVF cycle.

Needle-Free IVF Benefits

Through Needle-Free IVF, patients are able to administer hormone stimulation in a less-invasive manner.

  • No shots
  • No needles
  • No injections
  • No blood draws

Needle-Free IVF Protocol

How is Needle-Free IVF patient-friendly?

  • Improves patient safety
  • Improves patient compliance with medication regimen
  • Reduces possibility of error in medication administration
  • Eliminates the risk of accidental needle sticks

Needle-Free IVF Fertility Medications

Depending on the woman’s medical needs, an oral fertility medication – typically Clomid and/or Letrozole– are prescribed to gently stimulate her ovaries into producing multiple eggs. Synarel is administered nasally for 3 days at the beginning of the cycle and then again 36 hours prior to surgical egg retrieval to trigger ovulation.

  • Clomid and/or Femara to stimulate egg production
  • Synarel to trigger ovulation
  • Oral progesterone tablets
  • Vaginal progesterone suppositories

One Good Egg Policy

Customized IVF care is the best. Remember: It only takes one good egg and one healthy sperm to make a baby. Our focus is to help you produce good quality eggs during a fresh IVF cycle – not a high quantity of eggs using large doses of injectable fertility medications.  This policy is perfectly suited for our new Needle-Free IVF protocol.

Difficult Patients Welcome

Women diagnosed as difficult or hopelessly infertile by other fertility clinics are welcomed at New Hope Fertility Center. The best part? Because of our One Good Egg Policy, we happily accept candidates for IVF that other fertility clinics decline to treat and have proven success where others failed to even try.

Egg Collection Results and Success Rates

Our Needle-Free IVF protocol has resulted in comparable egg collection results as that of the Conventional IVF protocol. We are – on average – able to retrieve at least 10 eggs from patients who have undergone our Needle-Free IVF protocol. These results are reassuringly comparable with other IVF protocols in terms of number of eggs collected and subsequent pregnancy success rates.

High Tech IVF Laboratory

Our goal is to maximize every patient’s chances of having a successful pregnancy. At New Hope Fertility Center, we offer the latest:

  • IVF technology
  • IVF ingenuity
  • IVF customization

Our IVF laboratory is comprised of a powerful air filtration system to facilitate the best conditions for success of procedures and research. We have one of the largest and most powerful air filtration systems in the world. Bottom Line: This quality air filtration system provides optimal clean air pressure in every laboratory process.

Revolutionary Needle-Free IVF Expertise

It is important to work with a fertility doctor having the research and clinical experience required to design a customized IVF treatment plan meeting your personal medical needs. To schedule your initial consultation with Dr. John Zhang at New Hope Fertility Center, call 917.525.5496.

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