Category Archives: ICSI Technology

How ICSI Technology Helps the Fertility of Older Men

30177403 - digital illustration of sperm and ovule in colour backgroundIt is a myth that men remain fertile throughout their lives. Male fertility actually declines with age – quite dramatically according to a recent IVF study. This new study showed that men cannot conceive children just because they can perform sexually. The older a man is, the harder it is for him to conceive with a partner. About 1/3rd of couples seeking infertility treatment cannot get pregnant due to male-factor infertility. Infertility does not discriminate between females and males. A man’s age should be considered as much as a woman’s when it comes to fertility.

Male-Factor IVF/ICSI Study

Close to 5,000 men undergoing IVF using ICSI to fertilize eggs took part in the study by The Centre for Reproductive & Genetic Health.

  • Only 42 percent of men over 51 had quality sperm
  • Compare – 61 percent of men under 51 had quality sperm

Male-Factor Infertility

Even if a man’s sperm count is normal – it may not be optimal for getting a woman pregnant naturally. Men with normal sperm counts can still be contributing to a couple’s infertility due to several factors.

In order to be considered fertile, a man’s sperm must:

  • Be present in sufficient quantities
  • Be shaped normally
  • Swim in the correct direction
  • Swim at the right speed

Should any of these functions be diagnosed as abnormal, a man may not be able to impregnate a woman because his sperm cannot penetrate her egg. A man may be infertile even if he produces adequate quantities of sperm in ejaculate. Should his sperm be misshaped or not move correctly, fertilization will be difficult, if not impossible.

ICSI Successfully Treats Male-Factor Infertility

Male-factor infertility is successfully treated using Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) technology in conjunction with IVF. ICSI is the direct injection of a single sperm into an egg.

  • Once surgically retrieved, each egg is injected with a single sperm
  • Fertilized eggs are then monitored for signs of embryo development
  • Resulting embryos are closely monitored as they develop through EmbryoScope technology
  • A healthy embryo is then selected and transferred to the mother’s uterus
  • Excess quality embryos are frozen for future Frozen Embryo Transfers (FET).

ICSI and IVF Pregnancy Success

While pregnancy success may vary based on the quality of the sperm, typically between 75 and 85 percent of eggs become fertilized with the use of ICSI. Our Pregnancy Success Rates are reliant on the health of embryos transferred. Only quality eggs and sperm create healthy embryos.

ICSI Technology Expertise for Older Men

To schedule your consultation about how ICSI can help you conceive, call Dr. John Zhang212.969.7422.