Monthly Archives: July 2019

How to Get Pregnant With One Good Egg Using Natural Cycle IVF™

Vector natural label in trendy linear styleBecause it only takes one good egg and one healthy sperm to get pregnant, Dr. John Zhang has achieved phenomenal pregnancy success using Natural Cycle IVF™. This holistic IVF protocol uses a woman’s naturally produce egg. In support of his One Good Egg Policy, the Doctor continues his mission of innovating and performing new holistic IVF protocols. Why is this important? Every woman is different based on her unique medical history and fertility assessment. Bottom Line: It is one quality egg that matters – not multiple eggs.

Natural Cycle IVF™ Mission

The Doctor doesn’t refuse patients because a woman has been diagnosed as a difficult case.

  • No refusals based on a woman’s advanced maternal age
  • No refusals based on low FSH levels
  • No refusals based on the number of potential eggs (follicles) a woman can produce per fresh cycle
  • No refusals because a woman does not respond well to fertility medication

One Good Egg Policy

By treating each of our patients as individuals, we are able to create treatment plans customized for their specific needs. This often entails reducing the amount of fertility medication used to increase egg quantity.

Our Natural Cycle IVF™ is a holistic, personalized treatment plan allowing for a high chance of pregnancy success without requiring the patient to undergo a harsh regimen of fertility medication administration.

How the Natural Cycle IVF™ Works

A woman’s body may need only a little coaxing to achieve a pregnancy with her one egg produced during a monthly menstrual cycle. A woman’s natural egg is the very best she can produce – without the need for numerous, costly, painful, self-administered fertility medication injections.

  • As a woman’s natural cycle begins, the doctor will monitor the growth of her one good egg through pelvic ultrasound imaging and blood tests
  • Once her natural egg has reached a prime stage of development, an ovulation trigger medication – hCG – will be self-administered by the patient at a designated time
  • On a scheduled date, her egg will be surgically retrieved in an outpatient procedure while the patient is under general anesthesia
  • After surgical retrieval, the egg will be fertilized in vitro through a procedure known as Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
  • ICSI is an ancillary IVF procedure in which one quality sperm is injected directly into the woman’s natural egg
  • The resulting embryo cultures in vitro to a high quality stage of development – up to 5 days
  • The high quality embryo is then transferred to the woman’s uterus via a thin catheter – similar to a Pap smear procedure
  • A pregnancy test is scheduled in approximately two weeks

Pregnancy Success Rates Using Natural Cycle IVF™

Even though fertility medications are not prescribed, the pregnancy success rates for our Natural Cycle IVF™ rivals those of Conventional IVF and Mini IVF™. The personal attention provided by our fertility support team provides every patient with the medication and technology needed to conceive.

What’s the real story?

  • No high cost, physically-challenging powerful fertility medications
  • A woman produces her one natural egg
  • Lowers health risks associated with Conventional IVF
  • Avoids the high cost associated with large dosages of fertility drugs
  • Helps women avoid the discomfort and side effects of daily fertility drug injections
  • Eliminates the potential of a multiple pregnancy
  • Resolves ethical and religious dilemmas for patients opposed to producing excess embryos

Prime Candidates for Natural IVF™

Women who will most benefit from a Natural Cycle IVF™ protocol are those:

  • Women over 35 who have a regular menstrual period and are able to ovulate
  • Women over 35 with elevated FSH levels
  • Women over 35 with a poor ovarian reserve
  • Women diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Women who are at risk for Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) due to high dosages of fertility medications
  • Women who want to avoid costly and painful fertility medication injections
  • Women who are unresponsive to fertility medications
  • Women who have been unable to produce multiple eggs during a Conventional IVF or Mini-IVF™ cycle
  • Women over 35 with elevated FSH levels and poor ovarian reserve
  • Women who do not want to produce multiple embryos for ethical or religious reasons

Natural Cycle IVF™ Expertise

It is important to work with a fertility specialist having the experience required to design a customized Natural Cycle IVF™ treatment protocol meeting your personal needs. To schedule your initial consultation with Dr. John Zhang at New Hope Fertility Center – call 917.525.5496

How Yoga for Infertility Works

Yoga GroupTo be proactive in your quest to get pregnant, you should receive support and nurturing from yoga for infertility. Yoga is strongly recommended by Dr. John Zhang before – during – after your upcoming treatment. Yoga for infertility is a holistic way to prepare one’s body for pregnancy and birth.

Yoga for Infertility

When you are investing significant amounts of time, money, and emotion into fertility treatment, you want to do everything you can to make it successful. When infertility is unexplained – or even if there is a clear medical diagnosis – life under the weight of fertility treatment can be daunting.

How Yoga for Infertility Works

As a pregnancy enhancement tool, yoga is proven to reduce stress, balance hormones, and revamp one’s whole wellness in body, mind, and spirit. There are a myriad of benefits from yoga. Low impact yoga can significantly increase conception success rates in women undergoing fertility treatment. It can’t be emphasized enough: Always begin with a moderate yoga regimen – not high intensity exercise – and always get pre-approval from your fertility specialist. Look: Too much high-intensity yoga or other exercise has been shown to hinder successful IVF pregnancy outcomes.

Benefits of Yoga for Infertility

Yoga during fertility treatment combines mindful meditation with physical movement. Physical activity prepares the body for undergoing the challenges of a treatment cycle. Yoga prepares the body for pregnancy.

  • Reduces stress
  • Balances hormones
  • Balances body, mind, spirit
  • Reduces BMI

Yoga in conjunction with fertility treatment will:

  • Elicit a relaxation response in your body to reduce chronic stress
  • Counteract harmful stress hormones
  • Direct blood flow

Creative yoga sequences are specifically designed to:

  • Center attention on breathing
  • Center attention on relaxing the mind and body

Customized Fertility Treatment

Because every patient’s personal, medical, and financial needs are different, we offer customized fertility treatment.

We offer the highest quality care timed precisely around your body’s optimal state of performance.

Candidates for Fertility Treatment

  • Women with extremely damaged Fallopian tubes
  • Couples suffering from male-factor infertility
  • Couples suffering from idiopathic – unexplained – infertility
  • Women suffering from recurrent pregnancy loss – more than two miscarriages
  • LGBTQ couples using donor eggs and/or sperm

At New Hope Fertility Center, every one of our patients is provided with a unique fertility treatment protocol. Our protocols are specially designed to provide the highest standard of fertility care at the most optimal times for each patient’s body. We welcome difficult cases, regardless of the potential adverse effect on our pregnancy success rates.

Supportive and Nurturing Yoga

You will discover a love for restorative or Yin style yoga practices that will nourish your mind and body while alleviating the stress associated with fertility treatment.

Warning: Avoid practicing high-intensity yoga, such as:

  • Ashtanga
  • Power
  • Vinyasa
  • Hot Yoga

Yoga is easily adaptable to your lifestyle choices. If you have been practicing high intensity yoga methods – pump your brakes and adapt to a more moderate routine.

Remember: Your body will be working hard to produce healthy eggs and make a baby.

  • Soft Yoga Routine
  • Medium to Low Intensity
  • Nourishing Yoga Routine

Yoga Before Treatment

Before your fertility treatment begins, scale back high intensity yoga practice with a more gentle and less forceful routine.


  • All twisting postures
  • All inversions
  • All postures requiring jumping
  • All postures requiring unstable movements
  • All intense forward bending
  • All intense backward bending

Yoga Goals:

  • Reduce the amount you sweat
  • Breathe steady and evenly – practice pranayama
  • Become in tune with your egg growth and ovulation

Yoga for Infertility

Once you have started your treatment cycle, make sure you are practicing a very gentle pregnancy-appropriate yoga.

For self-control, include:

  • Meditation
  • Visualization
  • Soft pranayama
  • Mindfulness

To honor the intensity of yoga, maintain a ritual afterward:

  • Sip a cup of tea
  • Enjoy a healthy juice
  • Indulge in some quiet time

Egg Retrieval

On the morning of your surgical egg retrieval, allow time for meditation or pranayama.

Embryo Transfer

Practice meditation or pranayama on the morning of your embryo transfer. Then, refrain from any physical yoga in the days following.

Avid Promoter of Yoga for Infertility

It is important to work with a fertility doctor and support team having the experience required to design a customized IVF treatment protocol meeting your personal needs. To schedule your initial consultation with Dr. John Zhang at New Hope Fertility Center call 917.525.5496.

How to Overcome Male-Factor Infertility Using ICSI Technology

36629212 - spermatozoon, floating to ovule - 3d renderIf you are struggling with male-factor infertility, Dr. John Zhang wants to help you have a baby using Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) technology. ICSI is an ancillary procedure used in conjunction with IVF treatment. Rather than allowing fertilization to happen by combining eggs and sperm in a lab dish, ICSI is the injection of a single sperm directly into an egg in order to facilitate fertilization. Knowing more about the ICSI process and its effectiveness can help you understand if this ancillary IVF treatment option is something you should consider.

ICSI in Conjunction with IVF

In order to be considered fertile, a man’s sperm must:

  • Be present in sufficient quantities
  • Be shaped normally
  • Swim in the correct direction
  • Swim at the right speed

Should any of these functions be diagnosed as abnormal, a man may not be able to impregnate a woman because his sperm cannot penetrate her egg. A man may be infertile even if he produces adequate quantities of sperm in ejaculate. Should his sperm be misshaped or not move correctly, fertilization will be difficult, if not impossible.

How ICSI Works in Tandem with IVF

ICSI may be used whenever male fertility is a concern. The process can address issues with the shape and movement of sperm and compensate for low sperm count. If sperm are produced but are not present in semen, they can be manually retrieved and then used in the ICSI process. The process may also be suggested to couples who have had low fertilization rates during other cycles.

ICSI and IVF Process

ICSI is performed in conjunction with IVF. Once retrieved, each egg is injected with a single sperm in a laboratory setting. The eggs are then monitored for signs of fertilization. The resulting embryos are closely monitored as they develop through EmbryoScope technology. Healthy embryos are then transferred to the mother’s uterus, or frozen for future Frozen Embryo Transfers (FET).

ICSI and IVF Pregnancy Success

While pregnancy success may vary based on the quality of the sperm, typically between 75 and 85 percent of eggs become fertilized with the use of ICSI. Our Pregnancy Success Rates are largely a product of the health of the embryo, which is largely tied to the quality of both the eggs and sperm.

Revolutionary Mini-IVF™

Because lower dosages of fertility medications are prescribed to only produce 3 to 5 high quality eggs, the patient’s cost per Mini-IVF™ cycle is reduced. With a Mini-IVF™ protocol, the patient’s physical discomfort is lessened because her body is not forced into producing the 10 to 15 eggs reached in a Conventional IVF cycle.

Candidates for Mini-IVF™

Mini-IVF™ is the best treatment protocol for those women who have been:

  • Diagnosed with blocked or damaged Fallopian tubes due to endometriosis
  • Diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
  • Diagnosed as having a risk of developing Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)
  • Diagnosed with a low ovarian reserve due to endometriosis
  • Diagnosed with cancer and are about to undergo treatment

Mini-IVF™ has also become the preferred treatment protocol for:

  • Those patients who have failed multiple Conventional IVF cycles
  • Those patients suffering from male-factor infertility
  • Those patients wanting to reduce their costs of treatment
  • Those patients wanting to reduce their risk of multiple pregnancy
  • Those patients who don’t want to create excessive embryos due to religious reasons
  • Those patients who want to reduce their use of injectable medications because of an aversion to needles
  • Those patients who want to undergo another fresh IVF cycle immediately after a failed cycle

ICSI Expertise

It is important to work with a fertility doctor having the expertise required to design a customized IVF treatment protocol meeting your personal needs. To schedule your initial consultation with Dr. John Zhang at New Hope Fertility Center – call 917.525.5496.

Needle-Free IVF vs. Other IVF Protocols

Unlike other IVF protocols – the innovative Needle-Free IVF does not require painful injections or invasive vein blood draws.

This holistic IVF protocol eliminates the fear, pain, and anxiety many patients experience with injections and blood draws. How it works: The patient’s ovaries are stimulated into producing multiple egg follicles through the use of oral fertility medications. That’s not all. Hormone levels are measured through urine and saliva tests. Needle-Free IVF also lowers the patient’s cost of fertility medications.

Needle-Free IVF is New – Simple – Pain Free – Convenient

  • No shots
  • No needles
  • No blood draws

Needle-Free IVF Benefits

Through Needle-Free IVF, patients are treated in a less-invasive manner.

  • No shots
  • No needles
  • No injections
  • No blood draws

Needle-Free IVF Protocol

How is Needle-Free IVF patient-friendly?

  • Improves patient safety
  • Improves patient compliance with medication regimen
  • Reduces possibility of error in medication administration
  • Eliminates the risk of accidental needle sticks

Needle-Free IVF Fertility Medications

Depending on the woman’s medical needs, an oral fertility medication – typically Clomid and/or Letrozole– are prescribed to gently stimulate her ovaries into producing multiple eggs. Synarel is administered nasally for 3 days at the beginning of the cycle and then again 36 hours prior to surgical egg retrieval to trigger ovulation.

  • Clomid and/or Femara to stimulate egg production
  • Synarel to trigger ovulation
  • Oral progesterone tablets
  • Vaginal progesterone suppositories

Compared to the Mini-IVF Protocol

In Very Well Family (8/20/18) – Dr. John Zhang explains that producing too many eggs with large doses of injectable fertility drugs can backfire and cause medical problems, such as PCOS. Look: Our Mini-IVF protocol is a simple, convenient, and patient-friendly fertility treatment protocol calling for a minimal amount of stimulating fertility medication injections to produce 3 to eggs. Bottom Line: A woman’s body no longer needs to be forced into producing multiple eggs to achieve a successful IVF pregnancy.

Compared to Conventional IVF Protocol

A Conventional IVF protocol calls for daily injections of hormone medications to produce multiple egg follicles – 10 – 15 one cycle. These egg are retrieved surgically and then fertilized in vitro for transfer to the woman’s uterus. Excess quality embryos may be cryopreserved for future Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) procedures.

One Good Egg Policy

Customized IVF care is the best. Remember: It only takes one good egg and one healthy sperm to make a baby. Our focus is to help you produce good quality eggs during a fresh IVF cycle – not a high quantity of eggs using large doses of injectable fertility medications.  This policy is perfectly suited for our new Needle-Free IVF protocol.

Difficult Patients Welcome

Women diagnosed as difficult or hopelessly infertile by other fertility clinics are welcomed at New Hope Fertility Center. The best part? Because of our One Good Egg Policy, we happily accept candidates for IVF that other fertility clinics decline to treat and have proven success where others failed to even try.

Egg Collection Results and Success Rates

Our Needle-Free IVF protocol has resulted in comparable egg collection results as that of the Conventional IVF protocol. We are – on average – able to retrieve at least 10 eggs from patients who have undergone our Needle-Free IVF protocol. These results are reassuringly comparable with other IVF protocols in terms of number of eggs collected and pregnancy success rates.

High Tech IVF Laboratory

Our goal is to maximize every patient’s chances of having a successful pregnancy. At New Hope Fertility Center, we offer the latest:

  • IVF technology
  • IVF ingenuity
  • IVF customization

Our IVF laboratory is comprised of a powerful air filtration system to facilitate the best conditions for success of procedures and research. We have one of the largest and most powerful air filtration systems in the world. Bottom Line: This quality air filtration system provides optimal clean air pressure in every laboratory process.

Needle-Free IVF Expertise

It is important to work with a fertility doctor having the expertise required to design a customized IVF treatment protocol meeting your personal needs. To schedule your initial consultation with Dr. John Zhang at New Hope Fertility Center – call 917.525.5496.

Why Dr. Zhang Promotes Fertility Counseling During IVF Treatment

PCOSBecause you will be investing substantial financial, physical, and emotional resources into your upcoming IVF cycle, Dr. John Zhang strongly recommends fertility counseling. Fertility counseling has been shown to help couples cope with the financial and emotional stress of IVF treatment. Being proactive with your mental health may increase the odds of securing your financial investment.

Emotional Health and Fertility Counseling

You may experience emotional as well as financial stress during your upcoming treatment. This is why a positive attitude is crucial to making make sure you have the best chance of a successful pregnancy.

Being proactive with your mental and emotional health care is key. A woman’s health benefits from fertility counseling during her struggle to conceive. Many of the challenges of infertility can be addressed through individual, couple, and group counseling.

In-House Fertility Counseling

Professional In-House Fertility Counseling with Allison Rosen Ph.D. is recommended by the fertility specialists at New Hope Fertility Center. That’s not all: We are dedicated to promoting how patients can increase their chances of achieving a healthy pregnancy through genetic testing in conjunction with In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).

Introducing In-House Fertility Clinical Psychologist, Allison Rosen, PhD

As an experience clinical psychologist specializing in infertility, Dr. Allison Rosen has helped hundreds of couples cope during their struggle to have a baby.

  • Experienced Clinical Psychologist
  • Researcher
  • Author
  • Educator

Through individual, couple, and group counseling, the Doctor addresses the many challenges of dealing with infertility including:

  • Pregnancy Loss
  • Couple Conflict and Coping
  • Complex Decisions Involved in Family Building Through Donor Egg or Sperm
  • Parenting After Infertility

Education of Dr. Rosen

  • A. – University of California – Graduated Summa cum Laude and Honored as most outstanding student in the college of science
  • Master’s Degree and Ph.D – Michigan State University
  • Certificate of Psychoanalysis – William Alanson White Institute

Reducing Pregnancy Loss through Genetic Testing

Today’s Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) helps to increase the healthy birth rates of babies through genetic testing. This is because only the healthiest embryos are transferred for implantation during a fresh IVF cycle and/or Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET). Genetic testing helps to reduce the number of cycles required to achieve a healthy pregnancy.

Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS)

PGS is the testing of an embryo’s overall chromosomal normalcy prior to being transferred to the patient’s uterus in conjunction with IVF. PGS detects chromosomal deficiencies – aneuploidy – an extra or missing chromosome in an embryo.

PGS Increases Pregnancy Success Rates Up To 30%

PGS dramatically increases a woman’s chance of conception. Only the healthiest embryo(s) are transferred. Embryo biopsy and screening can increase a patient’s chance of a successful pregnancy by up to 30 percent.

Candidates for PGS

Because advanced maternal age (over 35) adversely affects the quality of a woman’s eggs – oocytes – resulting in chromosomal abnormalities, New Hope Fertility NYC recommends PGS in conjunction with IVF to patients over the age of 35.

  • Women having a history of recurrent miscarriages (2 or more)
  • Women having failed IVF cycles
  • Gender Selection – Family Balancing

PGS Detects Low Quality Embryos

By extracting a cell from an embryo and analyzing it, poor quality embryos are detected. Biopsy of this cell will not damage the embryo.

Low quality embryos result in:

  • Low pregnancy success rates
  • High miscarriage rates
  • High chance for birth defects

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

NGS is a new method of PGS. NGS is the latest genetic screening test for primary candidates undergoing IVF. NGS is used for comprehensive chromosome testing of embryos created through IVF. NGS is on the horizon to replacing PGS because of the procedure’s lower cost and reduced errors.

NGS allows embryologists to screen for defects on the chromosomal level with higher accuracy and more detail than ever before. PGS results are comprehensive and a higher resolution than any other genetic testing method because it detects more translocations.

NGS is also helpful for those couples wanting to plan their family through gender selection.

Celebrated Fertility Clinic Offering Fertility Counseling

It is important to work with a fertility counselor when you undergo fertility treatment. To schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Allison Rosen at New Hope Fertility Center call 917.525.5496.

How Dr. Zhang’s Holistic Mini-IVF™ Can Help You Get Pregnant

background-hands-earth_smallThe holistic Mini-IVF™ protocol is custom designed to reduce every patient’s pain, discomfort, and cost per cycle. In addition to the Mini-IVF™, Dr. John Zhang provides a vast array of holistic and patient-friendly IVF Protocols. Look: The self-administration of large quantities of fertility medications is no longer required to achieve a successful IVF pregnancy. Bottom Line: A woman’s body needs only produce a few high quality eggs to achieve a healthy pregnancy.

The Holistic Mini-IVF™ Protocol

The Mini-IVF protocol prescribes lower dosages of fertility medications so that a woman only produces 3 to 5 high quality eggs. With a Mini-IVF™ protocol, the patient’s physical discomfort is lessened because her body is not forced into producing the 10 to 15 eggs typically reached in a Conventional IVF cycle.

  • A fertility medication regimen to produce 3 to 5 quality eggs
  • Cycle monitoring through ultrasound imaging and blood tests
  • Surgical egg retrieval
  • Fertilization of egg and sperm in vitro via (ICSI)
  • Culture and monitoring of embryo(s) via EmbryoScope technology
  • Grading and selection of quality embryo(s) for fresh transfer and/or future (FET)
  • Single Embryo Transfer (SET)

First Class IVF Technology

First Class IVF Technology, ingenuity, and standards set New Hope Fertility Center apart from all other fertility clinics – worldwide. Look: Our patients are our first priority and we strive to provide stellar IVF treatment through a customized, evidence-based approach. Bottom Line: We have designed a cutting-edge environment with the specific goal of maximizing every patient’s chances of having a baby.

Through our new IVF technology, ingenuity, and high standards of care, every patient receives superior IVF treatment.

  • Cutting-Edge IVF Laboratory
  • Powerful Air Filtration System
  • Controlled and Uncontaminated Environment

That’s not the best part. Our IVF laboratory is designed with a powerful air filtration system supporting the success of our

intricate procedures and research. Why is this important? This controlled air system facilitates an uncontaminated environment.

  • Highest Medical Standards in the Industry
  • Highest Scientific Standards in the Industry
  • Highest Academic Standards in the Industry
  • Highest Research Standards in the Industry

New IVF Technology Air Filtration

New Hope Fertility Center boasts one of the largest and most powerful laboratory air filtration systems in the world. Having both cooling and purification air filtration systems, our lab facility provides optimal clean air pressure for the performance of intricate IVF technology.

  • Outside air is taken into the filtration system
  • Air is guided along an insulated path toward a main air handling system
  • Air is funneled into an initial triple-filter process to remove the bulk of impurities
  • Air is passed to a custom-designed quad-filtration system
  • The power of a 737 jet engine is then harnessed to completely purify the air and cool it to an optimal temperature
  • Optimally temperate and pure air is released to circulate throughout the entire IVF laboratory

Pregnancy Success Rates

Yearly ART data on IVF success rates is a rich source of information for potential IVF patients. This data gives patients an idea of their average chances of pregnancy success through IVF. At New Hope Fertility Center, IVF success rates vary in the context of patient and treatment characteristics:

First Class IVF Treatment Based on Patient Reviews

Only a first class IVF clinic will accumulate and post online the unlimited patient success stories from their patients. At New Hope Fertility Center, we strive to maintain our position as a first class IVF clinic by producing high pregnancy success rates. Our reputation as a first class IVF clinic, has earned us the status of being a renowned leader in IVF globally.

  • High IVF pregnancy success rates
  • Holistic IVF protocols
  • Customized IVF treatment plans
  • Reduced dosages of fertility medications
  • Reduced patient physical stress
  • Reduced patient emotional stress
  • Reduced patient financial stress

At New Hope Fertility Center, we welcome difficult patients – those previously diagnosed by other fertility specialists as hopelessly infertile.

  • No age restriction
  • No FSH level requirement
  • No requirement to produce multiple eggs per cycle
  • No sexual orientation discrimination

Holistic Mini-IVF™ Protocol Fertility Specialist

It is important to work with a fertility doctor having the cutting-edge technology and expertise to design a customized treatment plan meeting your personal, medical, and financial needs. To schedule your initial consultation with Dr. John Zhang at New Hope Fertility Center – call 917.525.5496.

Dr. Zhang Explains IVF Pregnancy Success Rates

47378703 - happy and young pregnant woman in park in summerDid you know that Dr. John Zhang – founder and medical director of New Hope Fertility Center in NYC – has successfully comprised a multidisciplinary team of World Class Specialists? Only a multidisciplinary fertility team delivers the highest IVF Pregnancy Success Rates. Dr. Zhang’s multidisciplinary team of fertility specialists work in tandem to provide every patient with a customized IVF treatment plan.

Multidisciplinary IVF Team Delivering High Pregnancy Success Rates

A multidisciplinary fertility team effort provides the most evidence-based practice leading to high IVF pregnancy success rates. Through a multidisciplinary approach to treatment, there is no cause for concern if you don’t see your fertility doctor every time you attend a routine appointment.

High IVF Pregnancy Success Rates

Because every patient’s personal, medical, and financial needs are different, we only offer customized IVF treatment.

Patient-Specific IVF Ancillary Procedures

Our multidisciplinary fertility team has substantial experience in the practice of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) and OBGYN.

  • Genetic Testing
  • In Vitro Maturation (IVF/M)
  • Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
  • Egg and Embryo Banking
  • Egg and Embryo Donor Services
  • Fertility Yoga
  • Fertility Acupuncture

Fertility Yoga

When you are investing significant amounts of time, money, and emotion into an IVF cycle, you want to do everything you can to make it successful. New studies have shown that both online yoga and in-person yoga help to increase the chances of a successful IVF pregnancy by up to 26 percent. This is because yoga is proven to reduce stress and anxiety in IVF patients.

Yoga For Infertility instructs on a series of poses and postures designed to improve fertility by:

  • Increasing blood flow to your reproductive system
  • Releasing stress
  • Reducing anxiety
  • Balancing life energy flow throughout the body
  • Helping to reset your endocrine system – aiding hormonal balance
  • Supporting a healthy immune system
  • Detoxifying the body
  • Creating clarity in your mind

Fertility Acupuncture

Fertility acupuncture in conjunction with IVF has been proven by studies to increase a woman’s chances of getting pregnant by up to 50 percent. New Hope Fertility Center has incorporated an in-house acupuncture service as part of its multidisciplinary fertility treatment approach.

Multidisciplinary Fertility Team Approach

You will receive personalized services from our ultra-talented multidisciplinary fertility team.

  • Medical Assistants
  • Ultrasound Technicians
  • Embryologists

Members of the multidisciplinary fertility team at New Hope Fertility Center are professionals who have earned:

  • Doctorates
  • PhD’s
  • Master’s Degrees

Your primary doctor is always fully informed about your patient progress by the multidisciplinary fertility team.

  • Always remember. Just because you don’t see your doctor every time you visit our office for a routine procedure does not mean you are receiving subpar care.
  • Please know this. Our multidisciplinary fertility team has been carefully selected and put in place to make sure you receive the best fertility care in the world.
  • The best part? Our patients do not rely on doctors in residency to fullfil their dreams of having a baby.

At New Hope Fertility Center, all patient cases are evaluated, reviewed and discussed by and between their multidisciplinary fertility team. The team collectively arrives at and executes the best customized fertility treatment plan based upon every patient’s individualized needs.

Multidisciplinary Fertility Team Benefits

It is important to work with a multidisciplinary fertility care team having a thorough understanding of the root cause of your infertility.

A multidisciplinary team approach to treating your infertility will:

  • Offer the highest chances of pregnancy
  • Are the most cost-effective
  • Produce the best overall patient trust and satisfaction

World Renowned Fertility Specialist

To achieve your highest pregnancy chances, you must work with a fertility specialist having the educational and clinical experience required to design an IVF protocol meeting your personal and medical needs. Dr. John Zhang and his multidisciplinary team of fertility specialists will work together to provide you with the highest IVF pregnancy success chances. To schedule your initial consultation with Dr. John Zhang, call 917.525.5496.

Is It Time for You to Get With the Egg Freezing Trend in 2019?

shutterstock_192934715Dr. John Zhang is a steadfast promoter of the overall health and future fertility of all women. This is especially true when a woman wants to postpone motherhood past her prime childbearing years. She may want to pursue her education, career, or find her soul mate before having a baby. Today, the medical marvel of egg freezing – oocyte cryopreservation – in conjunction with IVF preserves a woman’s fertility.

Informative Egg Freezing in Events in 2019

New Hope’s 2019 egg freezing events cover:

  • What is egg freezing?
  • How is egg freezing done?
  • How to choose the best IVF center to freeze your eggs.
  • How many eggs do you need to freeze?
  • What is the cost of egg freezing?
  • What should you know before deciding to freeze your eggs?

When you sign up for an egg freezing consultation at one of our monthly events, you will receive:

  • A free consultation worth $500 plus an ultrasound
  • 6 months of free oocyte (egg) cryopreservation valued at $600 or more
  • A medication discount from Ferring Pharmaceuticals for women who qualify

Natural Aging Process

The natural aging process has a dramatic effect on the quality of a woman’s eggs. A woman in her prime reproductive years (early 20s and early 30s) has the option of freezing her eggs to preserve her future fertility into her advanced reproductive years (mid-30s and early 40s + beyond):

  • Today’s modern women who are focused on their education and career opportunities
  • Women whose circumstances in life are not presently conducive to rearing children
  • Women who have not be able to find their life partner
  • Women who are facing cancer treatment – chemo or radiation – that could damage the quality of their eggs and/or destroy their ovarian function by sending them into premature menopause
  • Women who are undergoing IVF and are likely to produce excessive eggs, but have ethical or religious concerns over freezing embryos

Egg Freezing Process

Egg freezing is accomplished through a fresh IVF cycle, stopping short of egg fertilization in vitro.

  • Stimulation of a woman’s ovaries using fertility drugs to produce several egg follicles during one fresh IVF cycle
  • Harvesting eggs from the woman’s ovaries through surgical retrieval
  • Preparation and freezing of the eggs for preservation through a process known as vitrification
  • The rapid-freezing technique of vitrification makes it possible to freeze eggs quickly so that ice crystals do not form between cells

Future Pregnancy

When she is ready to start building her family, the egg freezing process continues.

  • Her eggs are thawed and fertilized in vitro by injecting a single sperm cell into a single egg – Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
  • The resulting embryos are cultured in vitro for up to 5 days (blastocyst stage)
  • A predetermined number of quality embryos are transferred into the woman’s uterus for implantation into the uterine lining to achieve pregnancy

Because every patient’s personal, medical, and financial needs are different, we offer customized IVF treatment.

Our experience designing customized IVF protocols provide a variety of successful treatment options for you to choose from. We offer the highest quality care timed precisely around your body’s optimal state of performance. A multidisciplinary fertility team effort provides the most evidence-based practice leading to higher pregnancy success rates.

strong>Positive Pregnancy Success Rates

Pregnancy success rates using a woman’s egg that has been cryopreserved are comparable to success rates using a fresh egg.

Successfully increasing IVF Pregnancy Success Rates requires all-encompassing fertility care. At New Hope Fertility Center, we have comprised a team of World Class Fertility Specialists who are committed to working in tandem to bring every patient tomorrow’s cutting edge IVF treatment – today.

Egg Freezing Expertise

It is important to work with a fertility doctor having the research and clinical experience required to design a customized egg freezing plan meeting your personal and medical needs. To sign up for one of our Egg Freezing Events – or – to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. John Zhang at New Hope Fertility Center – call 917.525.5496.

Why Dr. Zhang Promotes Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Banking

17618021 - red cellsDuring the month of July, the movement known as Cord Blood Awareness Month is actively promoted by Dr. John Zhang. The Parents Guide to Cord Blood Foundation founded this movement to promote general public awareness of how umbilical cord blood stem cells are successfully used by medical professionals in the treatment of disease and tissue regeneration.

Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Banking

Cord blood stem cells are found in the blood of a baby’s umbilical cord after birth. With their instant availability at birth for banking, cord blood stem cells are a widely used source of healing and regeneration used by transplant physicians.

Healing Stem Cells

Healing and regenerating stem cells can be retrieved from three sources:

  • Cord Blood
  • Bone Marrow
  • Peripheral Blood

Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Banking

As a parent-to-be, you can pre-arrange to have your baby’s umbilical cord blood stem cells retrieved after the birth and banked for future medical use.

  • Blood in the umbilical cord, and
  • Tissue making up the umbilical cord

Collecting and storing a baby’s umbilical cord blood and tissue is not recommended as an insurance policy for the donor baby. The stem cells from umbilical blood and tissue are primarily used to treat a sibling or relative of the baby that has a medical disease treatable by a cord blood transplant.

Umbilical Cord Blood

This is the blood fluid from the baby that remains in the umbilical cord and placenta after birth. This fluid contains special cells – hematopoietic stem cells – that are used to treat diseases. These special stem cells have the ability to mature into different types of blood cells in the body when transplanted.

Benefits of Umbilical Cord Stem Cells

The cord blood of your baby is an abundant source of stems cells.

  • Stem cells are genetically related to your baby
  • Stem cells are genetically related to your family
  • Stem cells are able to transform into other types of cells in the body to create new growth and development
  • Stem cells are building blocks of the immune system

Stem cells are dominant cells contributing to the development of:

  • Tissue
  • Organs
  • Systems in the body

Medical Advances in the Use of Umbilical Cord Stem Cells

Stem cells have the potential of providing medical professionals with the ability to treat a broad range of diseases – up to 70 – or use in future experimental medical research.

  • Cancer – leukemia and lymphoma
  • Blood disease (anemia)
  • Immune system disorders preventing the body’s ability to defend itself
  • Genetic disorders
  • Neurological disorders

Advantages of Umbilical Cord Stem Cells vs. Bone Marrow Stem Cells

Hematopoietic stems cells are also found in adult and children bone marrow. However, umbilical cord blood and tissue stem cells have several advantages over those retrieved from bone marrow.

Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cells:

  • Contain 10 times more stem cells than those collected from bone marrow
  • Newborn stem cells are one-half as likely to be rejected during treatment compared to adult stem cells
  • More matches are possible with cord blood stem cells than when bone marrow is used
  • Cord blood stems cells are less likely to be rejected than bone marrow stem cells
  • Cord blood stem cell collections are very low risk and painless for mother and baby
  • Bone marrow stem cell collections pose medical risks and are painful for the donor
  • Cord blood fluid and tissue can be frozen and banked – ready for use by a match
  • Collection from bone marrow is difficult and the stem cells must be used promptly – no storage vessel is available
  • Unlike umbilical blood cord stem cells, bone marrow stem cells do not have the capability to strengthen the immune system during cancer treatments

Easy Retrieval of Umbilical Cord Stem Cells

Umbilical cord fluid is not only loaded with stems cells, it is easy to collect after birth and can be performed whether your delivery is natural or via cesarean section.

  • Within 15 minutes after the birth of your baby, the doctor simply clamps the umbilical cord in two places about 10 inches apart
  • The cord is cut – separating mother from baby
  • A needle is inserted into the cord (syringe method) – collecting at least 40 milliliters of fluid from the cord – similar to a draw for a blood test
  • Or, the umbilical cord will be elevated to drain the flood into a bag (bag method)
  • The blood is sealed and labeled before being sent to a cord blood bank within 48 hours for testing, processing, flash-freezing, and storage
  • The entire collection procedure takes about 5 to 10 minutes

Pre-Arranging to Collect Umbilical Blood After Birth

  • Private or family banks store cord blood and tissue for autologous use – or – directed donation to a family member for an allogenic transplant
  • Select a private bank and make sure you have a signed contract for cryopreservation within 48 hours after collection
  • Ask about the total cost – including charges for collection, processing, flash-freezing, and annual storage fees
  • Contact your private bank and obtain a collection kit at least six weeks in advance of your due date
  • Note: Your delivery hospital may not have collection kits on hand
  • Note: Your delivery hospital may not provide umbilical cord blood collection services
  • Parents must give written consent before labor begins
  • The mother’s blood must also be tested beforehand

Avid Promoter of Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Banking

Dr. John Zhang is an avid promoter of umbilical cord blood stem cell banking at the time of a baby’s birth. To schedule your initial consultation with Dr. John Zhang, call 917.525.5496.