When you are investing significant amounts of time, money, and emotion into an IVF cycle, you want to do everything you can to make it successful. Look: New studies have shown that both online yoga and in-person yoga help to increase the chances of a successful IVF pregnancy by up to 26 percent. This is because yoga is proven to reduce stress and anxiety in IVF patients.
Yoga regimens include a series of poses and postures designed to improve fertility by:
Six weeks of in-person or online fertility yoga can reduce an IVF patient’s stress and anxiety between 23 and 26 percent. Now, you can experience the benefits of yoga by practicing online at home.
A thoughtful regimen of yoga during an IVF cycle combines mindful meditation with physical movement. Yoga is a great physical activity for preparing the body for undergoing the physical and emotional challenges of an IVF cycle.
Physical activity through yoga in conjunction with IVF will:
There are many creative yoga sequences specifically designed to: