Category Archives: Surrogacy

Under what circumstances do I need IVF treatment?

couplesAt New Hope Fertility Center in New York, I have encountered a few couples who, after a few years of trying to conceive and no infertility tests done, come and tell me that they wanted to do and are ready for an IVF treatment. When this situation happens, we explain to patients that not all infertile couples need to do IVF. First, we will need to check the semen quality. If it is poor quality, the woman does not need to have a tubal patency test undergoing IVF treatment. If the semen quality is poor, the sperm does not have the ability to naturally fertilize the egg. On the other hand, if the semen quality is good, the woman will need to have a tubal patency test. If the tubes are normal, they may consider artificial insemination; if the tubes are abnormal (or blocked), they may need IVF treatment.

Read more: Under what circumstances do I need IVF treatment?

Why Surrogates Are Becoming More and More Popular With Younger Professionals

Surrogacy is increasing in popularity as a way to start a family when a couple is unable to conceive on their own.  This includes a surge of surrogacy with young professionals.  As surrogacy becomes increasingly popular and understood, the stigma that previously surrounded the practice is disappearing.  Couples turn to surrogacy for a number of reasons that vary from couple to couple.

Pregnant woman touching her bellyRead more: Why Surrogates Are Becoming More and More Popular With Younger Professionals