How to Make Sure You Are Properly Tracking Your Ovulation

Ovulation one of the most important aspects of fertility.  Once ovulation occurs, there is only a 24 hour window where a woman is fertile and fertilization can happen.  Therefore, properly identifying when your ovulation occurs is key to becoming pregnant.  There are a number of ways women can track their ovulation.  When done properly, women can time intercourse in order to maximize their likelihood of becoming pregnant. Extra.J

Ovulation Predictor Tests 

Ovulation predictor tests are widely available and can simply be used to determine when ovulation is happening.  Approximately 24 to 48 hours prior to ovulation, a woman will experience a surge in LH or luteinizing hormone.  Ovulation predictor tests look for the presence of LH in a woman’s urine.  Once a threshold is reached, the test will be positive, allowing the woman to know her fertile period.

Cycle Calendar

Using a calendar to document your cycle is a good practice when trying to conceive, particularly for women with regular cycles.  Typically, a woman will ovulate 14 days prior to the start of her next monthly period.  Therefore, a woman who has 30 day cycles will typically ovulate on day 16.  Women can use the first date of their last monthly period to determine the next expected fertile period.  Women with irregular cycles may not benefit from this tracking method.

Basal Body Temperature 

Taking a woman’s temperature daily can help to identify when ovulation is to occur.  A basal body thermometer is a highly sensitive thermometer which can help to identify even small changes in temperature.  A woman should take her temperature every morning and record the result.  A woman’s body will naturally have a slight uptick in temperature just prior to ovulation.  A basal body thermometer is exact enough to pick up that increase in temperature, allowing women to identify when ovulation will occur.

A member of the New Hope Fertility Center team can help you understand ovulation tracking and begin to uncover the issues delaying your ability to grow your family.  Please click the link below to enter your information and New Hope will contact you, or simply call 212-517-7676. Thank you.


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