Egg Freezing Cost

The cost of fertility care is a concern for many patients, especially those who do not have insurance coverage. At New Hope Fertility Center, we work with our patients to provide customized treatment plans that fit their health situation. Our approach to fertility, using your body’s natural fertility to achieve desired results, not only produces healthy pregnancies, but can also decrease the costs patients face due to fertility medication.

Egg banking allows a woman to preserve her fertility by harvesting eggs when they are most viable This option is appealing to women who want to delay having children. Banking eggs allows patients to store the healthiest, most viable eggs thereby prolonging fertility. The process of harvesting and banking eggs has three steps:

  • Ovarian stimulation to produce multiple eggs
  • Harvesting eggs from mature follicles just before ovulation is to occur.
  • Freezing eggs using vitrification, flash freezing eggs using a protectant.

Vitrification is the process of flash freezing that prevents damage by ice crystals. The traditional way of freezing eggs for storage can result in ice crystals which can damage the eggs. Vitrification uses a protectant that is used in tandem with removing the water from the egg so that crystals cannot form. When the egg is thawed, the protectant is removed and water is added, allowing the egg to return to its pre-storage state. This process allows for better outcomes. Using vitification 98 percent of frozen eggs survive the thawing process versus 55 percent with traditional methods.

Cost of egg banking

At New Hope Fertility Center we are industry leaders in embryo and egg freezing and storage. One cycle of egg freezing costs $7,200 and includes:

  • Educational instruction
  • Monitoring
  • Antral follicle count
  • Cycle reviews with a physician or nurse
  • Egg harvesting using local anesthesia
  • Freezing using the vitrification method
  • Six months of egg storage

The above costs do not include expenses for fertility medication which can vary from $0 to $1,500 per cycle.

Additional expenses

Each patient’s needs and experience is unique. Additional costs you may incur during treatment include:

  • Storage of eggs and or embryos – $1,200 a year
  • Fertilization of frozen eggs – $3,600
  • Analysis of sperm – $150
  • At home testing for consultation – $210
  • Administration of general anesthesia – $500
  • Psychological counseling – $150 – $700

Vitrification is a relatively new practice in the United States. New Hope Fertility Center is an industry leader in freezing and storing eggs embryos eggs and embryos.   In 2005, our physician, Dr. Zhang was the first doctor in the United States to deliver a baby that began as an egg frozen with vitrification.

For information regarding our pricing structure or to schedule an appointment with a physician, contact us. Our board certified fertility specialists use cutting edge technology to use less invasive, more holistic ways to achieve pregnancy.

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