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baby-handle-tiny-father-family-tenderness-toddlerAdvances in technology and understanding of how fertility works have created new in vitro fertilization protocols. At one time, large doses of fertility medication were needed in order for Conventional IVF to be performed. Minimal Stimulation IVF (Mini IVF) has changed this and now allows for a more holistic and natural approach to fertility medicine. Instead of using large dosages of fertility medication to stimulate egg production, the Mini IVF protocol uses low doses of medication to supplement a woman’s natural fertility. Because of high quality egg production, this new approach increase success rates as well as results in a more comfortable and safe experience. making-babies


Dr. Zhang’s Pick of the Month: The Difference Between Impotency and Male Infertility

Pick of the Month (3)Two key issues in men’s sexual and reproductive health are impotency and male fertility. Although the terms are occasionally used interchangeably, impotence and male infertility are distinct medical conditions. For both conditions, quality male care is available. About one third of the time, a couple’s inability to get pregnant can be attributed to the male partner.

Read more: Dr. Zhang’s Pick of the Month: The Difference Between Impotency and Male Infertility

Dr. Zhang’s Pick of the Month: Dr. John Zhang’s Interview on Sperm Bank Market in China

Pick of the Month (2)Since the two-child policy became effective in China, there have been reports that there is shortage of donor sperm within the country. On May 5th, CCTV America’s Rachelle Akuffo spoke to Dr.John Zhang about the general perceptions in China about donating sperm. Read the full article here.

Read more: Dr. Zhang’s Pick of the Month: Dr. John Zhang’s Interview on Sperm Bank Market in China

Confronting The Biological Clock

JZ (4)Many women spend a large portion of their reproductive years trying to prevent pregnancy. Some women are focused on career while others are waiting for the right partner to start a family with. No matter the reason, many women find themselves needing help while trying to conceive during their 30s and 40s. The main culprit is a woman’s biological clock. More than just a metaphor, a woman’s biological clock can make all of the difference in her ability to get pregnant.

Read more: Confronting The Biological Clock

Why It’s Important To Choose a Fertility Doctor That Understands All Your Needs

shutterstock_104367062Fertility struggles are among the hardest things a couple will have to deal with.  Navigating treatment options can be difficult, especially when you’re not sure what treatment types are available.  Selecting the right fertility doctor can help make this process easier and can increase the likelihood that you’ll become pregnant.

Read more: Why It’s Important To Choose a Fertility Doctor That Understands All Your Needs

The Pros and Cons of a Natural Cycle IVF

JZ (3)In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) has typically been used as a single medical treatment protocol focused on harvesting a large number of eggs. Technological advancements and improvements in reproductive medicine have changed this protocol. Today, there are a number of IVF protocols available addressing a patient’s individual needs.

Read more: The Pros and Cons of a Natural Cycle IVF

Dr. Zhang’s Pick of the Month: NEW! Publication on the Reproductive Potential of Mature Oocytes after Conventional OHSS for IVF

Pick of the Month (1)One of my latest published works is currently featured in the International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics.  It analyzes the effectiveness of medication used in Conventional IVF based on the number of eggs produced and the number of successful pregnancies. The study involved 250 participants from ages 18 to 38 undergoing their first IVF treatment.

Read more: Dr. Zhang’s Pick of the Month: NEW! Publication on the Reproductive Potential of Mature Oocytes after Conventional OHSS for IVF

How Can OHSS Complicate Your IVF Treatment?

JZ (1)Many fertility treatments use medications that are designed to stimulate a woman’s reproductive system. The stimulation is often medically needed in order to aid a woman in ovulation. Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, commonly referred to as OHSS, can occur when a woman’s body becomes overstimulated, resulting is discomfort and pain.

Read more: How Can OHSS Complicate Your IVF Treatment?

Pregnancy and Zika Virus: Prevention and Guidelines

JZIn the middle of February, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had issued guidelines for preventing the spread of the Zika virus. According to CDC, it is spread to people through the bite of an infected mosquito. The most common symptoms of Zika includes:Read more: Pregnancy and Zika Virus: Prevention and Guidelines

Dr. Zhang’s Pick of the Month: What do I do after a failed embryo transfer?

Pick of the MonthAll the doctors at New Hope Fertility Center and patients hope that everyone would have a good result from their treatments, and we are all looking forward to be able to help many couples and women achieve their dream of being a parent.

Read more: Dr. Zhang’s Pick of the Month: What do I do after a failed embryo transfer?

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