For women over 40 who want to start a family, fertility treatments are often the only option. Biologically, a woman’s fertility begins to rapidly decline after age 35. While men produce sperm continually throughout adulthood, women are born with all of the eggs they will ever have. As a woman ages, the quality of those eggs begins to decline along with changes in her hormone levels. This decline results in difficulty becoming pregnant and an increase in miscarriages due to low embryo quality. The introduction of DHEA as a supplement has changed the outlook for women who are looking to get pregnant over 40.
Read more: How DHEA is Giving Women Over 40 Hope in Their Fertility Treatments
Hi everyone. Fertility preservation has been in the news recently as more and more companies are extending fertility preservation as a covered health benefit. For women, fertility preservation may be done in two primary ways; oocyte freezing and embryo freezing. Where a woman is in life and what she wants out of the fertility preservation process will help determine which preservation method is best for her needs.
Read more: Is Freezing Embryos Or Freezing Eggs The Best Option For Women Over 35
It is common for women with fertility issues to have questions about their chances for getting pregnant. The likelihood varies from person to person and is directly related to each woman’s diagnosis. Traditionally, women with a diminished ovarian reserve or who are diagnosed as poor responders are among those with the lowest pregnancy success rates. This is partially because of a decreased egg quality which both inhibits pregnancy and increases the likelihood of miscarriage. However, the hormone DHEA is changing these odds.
Read more: The Importance of DHEA When Calculating Your Chances of Pregnancy
Women are increasingly turning to egg freezing to preserve their fertility. Although women are biologically most fertile before age 35, this timeline is not always ideal. Egg freezing harvests younger, healthier eggs and stores them until a woman is ready to start a family. Although there is a cost for this service, the benefits can far outweigh the costs. Additionally, in some instances egg freezing is covered by insurance.
Read more: Egg Freezing Discussion – Is it Covered by Insurance?
For couples at a high risk for genetic disease, the decision to have children is not a simple one. Couples must weigh their desire for children with the likelihood of a chromosomal defect. Thankfully, preimplantation genetic diagnosis, commonly referred to as PGD, allows genetic diseases to be identified in embryos as a part of in vitro fertilization. The embryos are tested prior to transfer and implantation to ensure healthy embryos are transferred.
Read more: PGD Offers Hope To Couples With a High Risk of Genetic Disease
As women’s roles change in society, their view of family is evolving. Women still want to become mothers and to start a family, but later in life. However, biologically, women are best equipped to start a family before age 35. Egg freezing and fertility preservation provides the peace of mind that when a woman is ready to start a family, she will have healthy eggs available.
Read more: The Real Reasons Women are Freezing Their Eggs in New York City
In vitro fertilization, commonly referred to as IVF, treatment concludes with the transfer of embryos directly into a woman’s uterus. From there it is a waiting game to see if the transferred embryos implant, resulting in pregnancy. In traditional IVF treatment, multiple embryos are transferred with the belief that increasing the number of embryos also increases the chance of pregnancy. However, research shows this is not the case. Transferring multiple embryos does not increase pregnancy rates. What does increase is the likelihood of conceiving multiples which can result in significant health risks to both mother and child.
Read more: The Evolving World of Fertility – The Increasing Embryo Transfer Rates
Today, Dr. Zhang would like to comment on egg quality and a woman’s age.
It is commonly understood that there is a direct relationship between the age of a woman and the quality of her eggs. In general, after a certain time, the increased age of a woman will increase the chance of a poor quality egg. This is important because poor quality eggs are more likely to contribute to a poor quality embryo than their counterparts, the sperm.
Read more: Does A Woman’s Age Have an Effect on Her Egg Quality?
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) is made by Trophoblasts, the major component of placenta. It has two subunits, α and β, in structure. Subunit β is (βHCG) more specific in differentiating hCG from the rest of the molecules with similar structure.
You did everything you were supposed to do. Yet, after trying on your own, you weren’t able to get pregnant. It’s unexpected, it’s unfair, it’s stressful that something other people do every day by accident is seemingly out of your reach. Fertility issues are among the most stressful situations that a person can experience. That very stress can make fertility issues worse.
Read more: Stressed and Struggling With Infertility – Try These Coping Mechanisms