Category Archives: Egg Freezing

Is Your Job or Career Taking Up All Your Time? – Consider Freezing Your Eggs

Career aspirations and an ambition to be professionally successful are a high priority for many women. Often, this means long hours in the office and the need to have an extremely flexible schedule. These demands and the desire to be professionally established before having children prompt many women to delay having children. Unfortunately, some women learn that delaying having children has had a negative effect on their fertility. Fertility preservation addresses this issue and provides a means for women to pursue their professional goals without sacrificing their ability to have children when they are ready.

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Busy With Your Career? – It May Be Time To Freeze Your Eggs

A woman’s biological clock is real.  There is a natural instinct to start a family while a woman’s eggs are at their healthiest.  This time frame is from a woman’s teenage years until age 35.  For many women, this period of time is also when they are focused on building their career.  It’s important to understand that while the quality of a woman’s eggs decreases, women are fully capable of successfully carrying a pregnancy after this age.  Freezing her eggs when they are at their healthiest allows a woman to preserve her fertility.  This way, she can focus on growing her career without worrying that she is sacrificing her ability to start a family.

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Busy With Your Career? – It May Be Time To Freeze Your Eggs

A woman’s biological clock is real.  There is a natural instinct to start a family while a woman’s eggs are at their healthiest.   This time frame is from a woman’s teenage years until age 35.  For many women, this period of time is also when they are focused on building their career.  It’s important to understand that while the quality of a woman’s eggs decreases, women are fully capable of successfully carrying a pregnancy after this age. Freezing her eggs when they are at their healthiest allows a woman to preserve her fertility.  This way, she can focus on growing her career without worrying that she is sacrificing their ability to start a family.

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Too Busy To Get Pregnant? You Should Consider Egg Freezing Until Your Ready

For many women, starting a family during the time their bodies are most fertile is not ideal.  Women are most fertile during between their teenage years until age 35.  It is common for women to be focused on other areas of their lives during this time, wanting to wait to start a family until they are better established financially and professionally.  Unfortunately, some women find it more difficult to conceive after age 35 as the quality of their eggs decreases over time.  This does not have to be an issue.  Freezing your eggs allows you to preserve your fertility until you are ready to start a family.

EggFreezingImage_low_resEgg freezing allows you to harvest eggs when they are at their healthiest and store them until you have decided to start a family.  This procedure allows women to pursue their dreams without worrying that they are possibly sacrificing the ability to have children.

Read more: Too Busy To Get Pregnant? You Should Consider Egg Freezing Until Your Ready

Egg Freezing Process

Egg banking, or freezing, provides women with an option for preserving their fertility.  Women desire to preserve their fertility for a variety of reasons from health issues to focusing on their careers.  Banking eggs when they are most viable allows women to extend their fertile years so that a woman’s choice to delay motherhood does not mean denial.

The egg preservation process occurs over three to four weeks and has three steps.

Read more: Egg Freezing Process

Egg Freezing Cost

The cost of fertility care is a concern for many patients, especially those who do not have insurance coverage. At New Hope Fertility Center, we work with our patients to provide customized treatment plans that fit their health situation. Our approach to fertility, using your body’s natural fertility to achieve desired results, not only produces healthy pregnancies, but can also decrease the costs patients face due to fertility medication.

Egg banking allows a woman to preserve her fertility by harvesting eggs when they are most viable This option is appealing to women who want to delay having children. Banking eggs allows patients to store the healthiest, most viable eggs thereby prolonging fertility. The process of harvesting and banking eggs has three steps:

Read more: Egg Freezing Cost

Top IVF Apps To Download

Technology is becoming an integral part of our lives.  Smartphones are our calendars, contact lists, entertainment and information centers.  In fact, there are several apps that aid with fertility care and trying to conceive.

Here are a few apps that may help your fertility journey:

Read more: Top IVF Apps To Download

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