Category Archives: New Hope Fertility

It’s Hard To Get Pregnant, Give Yourself A Break

Trying to have a baby is one of the most stressful things you’ll face.  If you’re having trouble starting your family it can be easy to put the blame on yourself.  The truth is, fertility issues are the result of medical issues and not anything that you’ve done.  Beating up on yourself is not constructive and has no benefit. In fact, being stressed can actually decrease your odds of getting pregnant.

Take a break from the blame game and be calm.  Your fertility journey is tough, and it is not easy to become pregnant. Use the tips below to stay calm:

Read more: It’s Hard To Get Pregnant, Give Yourself A Break

Encouraging Statistics When Trying To Conceive

For women who’ve had difficulty conceiving and having a child, parenthood can seem to be an unobtainable dream.  The truth is, with some assistance and medical support the odds are in your favor.  With fertility care you will be able to get pregnant and start the family you’ve always wanted.

The Society for Assisted Reproductive Technologies, also known as SART, compiles statistics on the success rates of in vitro fertilization.  Used for decades, IVF is a successful means of treating a variety of causes of infertility including struggles due to male infertility factors. SART statistics are broken down by the age of the patient and the source of the eggs used for IVF.

Read more: Encouraging Statistics When Trying To Conceive

Trying To Conceive Is A Team Effort

Have you ever felt as though infertility has isolated you from those around you?  Did you ever think, even just or a moment, that you are the only one experiencing the stress associated with trying to conceive? You are not alone.   Your fertility care team is here, ready, willing and able to help you achieve your dreams of becoming a parent.

For many women, infertility is difficult to talk about.  For some, that difficulty is the result of the emotions that go hand in hand with fertility treatment. For others, they have made the choice to not make their family aware of their struggles.  There are some things you can do to negate these feelings:

Read more: Trying To Conceive Is A Team Effort

Tips For Improving The Odds Of Conception

Trying to conceive and not being successful is one of the most stressful issues a couple can face. Often, women and men have no problem there’s an issue until they’re not successful becoming pregnant on their own. There are some things you can do to increase your odds of conceiving.

Using the tips below can help to increase your odds of getting pregnant.

Read more: Tips For Improving The Odds Of Conception

Getting Pregnant Can Take A Long Time, Never Give Up Hope

One of the hardest parts of going through infertility is waiting. Although fertility treatments can be extremely successful, the process may take a long time. Your fertility care team will make adjustments to your care based on how your body reacts. This process, at times, can seem to take forever.

Unfortunately, it is easy lose hope during this time. Receiving negative pregnancy test result or receiving test results that are not what you expected can be devastating. While it is normal to feel this way, don’t allow negative outcomes to deter you from your ultimate goal. In the end, what you are feeling now and all of your hard work will pay off. When that day comes, when you hold your child in your arms for the first time, it will all be worth it.

Read more: Getting Pregnant Can Take A Long Time, Never Give Up Hope

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