You can get pregnant in the comfort of your home with Dr. John Zhang’s new At-HOME IVF package to go. Self-administered oral fertility medications will stimulate your ovaries into producing multiple egg follicles. This is an individually designed IVF pick-up or deliverable package containing everything you need for an At-HOME IVF Cycle – including fertility medications.
At-HOME IVF is a patient-friendly protocol designed to eliminate the fear, pain, and anxiety experienced with injections and blood draws.
Patients are treated in a less-invasive manner.
Depending on the woman’s medical needs, an oral fertility medication – typically Clomid and/or Letrozole – is prescribed to gently stimulate her ovaries into producing multiple eggs. Synarel is administered nasally for 3 days at the beginning of the cycle and then again 36 hours prior to surgical egg retrieval to trigger ovulation.
Customized IVF care is the best. Remember: It only takes one good egg and one healthy sperm to make a baby. Our focus is to help you produce good quality eggs during a fresh IVF cycle – not a high quantity of eggs using large doses of injectable fertility medications.
High Tech IVF Laboratory
Our goal is to maximize every patient’s chances of having a successful pregnancy. At New Hope Fertility Center, we offer the latest:
Our IVF laboratory is comprised of a powerful air filtration system to facilitate the best conditions for success of procedures and research. We have one of the largest and most powerful air filtration systems in the world. This quality air filtration system provides optimal clean air pressure in every laboratory process.
It is important to work with an IVF expert having the cutting-edge technology and clinical experience required to design a customized treatment plan meeting your financial and medical needs. To schedule your initial consultation with Dr. John Zhang at New Hope Fertility Center – call 212.969.7422.