How to Optimize Your Fertility Levels During the Winter

Snow-CityThe change in weather to cooler temps mean that winter and the holidays are just around the corner. For many people, that change also means loosening the reigns on their healthy eating habits. Unfortunately, reversing healthy lifestyle choses can also have an impact on your fertility. Sticking with your healthy habits can help to boost fertility levels during the winter here in NYC.

Winter and Fertility

Male fertility naturally rises during the winter. This may be due to the lack of heat, which can impede male fertility. Because of this, men produce more sperm that are of a higher quality than other times of the year. Therefore, it is highly suggested that couples who are trying to conceive use this window wisely. Timed intercourse is ideal during the winter months as the increase in male fertility can improve chances for conception.

Enhancing Fertility during Winter

There are a number of steps you can take to naturally improve your fertility during winter months. Following these tips can provide the extra boost you need to be successful while trying to conceive.

  • Eat healthy – Healthy eating should not be limited to the summer months. Eating well balanced meals that include fruit, vegetables and lean protein can enhance your fertility. Eating well can help you to get to, and maintain, a healthy weight. Being overweight or underweight hinders natural fertility. Additionally, eating well balanced meals helps to set a good nutritional foundation for pregnancy.
  • Exercise – Exercising regularly is great for your general health and your fertility. Winter provides the perfect opportunity to try a new sport. Or, taking a quick walk to enjoy some daylight can improve your mood and your fitness.
  • Relax – Holidays often bring stress, which negatively impacts fertility. Take time to relax and to take care of yourself. Schedule time to participate in activities you enjoy, even if that just means quiet time to catch a movie or read a book.

For additional information on how to enhance your fertility or to begin your fertility journey, please speak with a member of the New Hope Fertility Center team. Please click the link below to enter your information and New Hope will contact you, or simply call 212-517-7676. Thank You.



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