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Macrolide Antibiotics in Early Pregnancy Linked to Birth Defect Risk

97678181 - medicine doctor hand working with modern computer interfaceA recent article in Newsweek discusses how macrolide antibiotics used in early pregnancy have been linked to birth defects – according to a recent study by BMJ published January 7, 2020. Finding showed that pregnant women who take certain types of antibiotics have a greater risk of having a baby with birth defects. Ironically, leaving an infection untreated is a greater risk to the fetus.

Macrolide Antibiotics Rx in Early Pregnancy

Macrolides are among the antibiotics most commonly prescribed to pregnant women in Western countries. Advice on whether they should be used on women carrying a high risk pregnancy varies. Doctors often give macrolides antibiotics to pregnant women who are allergic to penicillin – which has long been thought to be a safe alternative.

Major birth defects recorded:

  • 55 per 1,000 children of whose mothers were prescribed macrolides
  • 36 per 1,000 children whose mothers were prescribed penicillin during pregnancy

Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM)

MFM is the specialized medical practice of treating a high-risk pregnancy. These specialists handle every pregnancy-related issue that isn’t routine – such as taking antibiotics for an infection. At New Hope Fertility, we understand how critical it is for an expectant mother to be healthy so that she maintains an ongoing pregnancy and birth.

The goal of a Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor is to closely monitor pregnant women for any indication of troublesome issues in the present – or near future. Having a high risk pregnancy doesn’t mean something will go wrong. Your MFM doctor will take extra care of you and your baby to avoid foreseeable risk factors.

New Hope Fertility in NYC offers referrals and in-house treatment options for Maternal Fetal Medicine Doctors. Our goal is to help you manage a high-risk pregnancy, while improving your own health.

Maternal Fetal Medicine Consultation

To schedule your consultation with a Maternal Fetal Medicine Doctor referred by New Hope Fertility, call Dr. John Zhang – at 212.969.7422.

Family Balancing Through Gender Selection Technology

Asian children using tablet togetherMore and more women are using gender selection technology in conjunction with IVF to choose the sex of their babies. This is known as Family Balancing. Depending on the sex of children presently in a family, parents can select the gender of their next planned baby. Family Balancing is available to New Hope Fertility patients by using PGS/NGS testing of embryos as the culture and develop in vitro. Resulting embryos are closely monitored by our skilled embryologist using state-of-the-art EmbryoScope technology.

Family Balancing Popularity is a Growing Trend

Gender selection is socially acceptable and gaining in popularity. No longer is gender selection stigmatized as a social engineering tool used to make designer babies. Gender identification and selection technology can easily help you choose the sex of your baby. PGS/NGS technology in conjunction with IVF will help you choose the sex of your baby with 99% accuracy

You can balance the sexes of your future family with genetic testing technology.

Gender Identification and Selection Technology

Gender selection is a beneficial by-product of genetic testing for abnormalities in embryos culturing in vitro. Through genetic testing, the sex of each embryo is identifiable.

The Make-Up of an Embryo’s Gender

The chromosomes of a sperm determine an embryo’s gender.

  • A man’s sperm can carry either the X or Y chromosome
  • A woman’s egg only contributes the X chromosome to the fertilized embryo
  • An embryo with XY makeup is male
  • An embryo with XX makeup is female

Genetic Identification and Selection Procedure

Genetic testing is performed in conjunction with IVF in a controlled laboratory setting. Three days after fertilization of the patient’s eggs in vitro, cells are removed from each of the embryos developing.

  • A small sample of cells are is removed from the embryo by a highly skilled embryologist using a laser and a microscopic glass needle
  • The cells’ genetic makeup is analyzed by the embryologist under a microscope
  • A decision is made as to the quality of each of the individual embryos
  • Only high quality embryos are used in completion of a fresh IVF cycle
  • Only high quality embryos are cryopreserved for future FET procedures

Other Benefits of Genetic Testing in Conjunction with IVF

The benefits of genetic testing conjunction with IVF include:

  • Screening out embryos carrying a genetic disease
  • Predicting the risk of a genetic disease
  • Screening out abnormalities
  • Improving birth rates of healthy babies through IVF

Dr. Zhang recommends universal blastocyst embryo screening for his patients because the procedure can help increase their chances of a pregnancy by 30 percent.

  • Women over 37 who are undergoing IVF
  • Women who have had two or more unsuccessful IVF cycles
  • Women under 35 who have experienced two or more miscarriages – recurrent miscarriage
  • Women who are over 35 and have experience one miscarriage

Proven Increase in IVF Pregnancy Rates

State-of-the-art embryo biopsy techniques and genetics technologies have proven to increase IVF pregnancy rates. Through the medical marvel of PGS/NGS in conjunction with IVF, genetic and chromosomal abnormalities can be detected in embryos.

Genetic Testing For Informed Decisions

  • Only high quality embryos are transferred to the patient’s uterus
  • Only high quality embryos are cryopreserved for future Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) procedures

Genetic Testing Detects Low Quality Embryos

As a woman advances in age, the chance for chromosomal abnormalities in embryos increases. Low quality embryos result in:

  • Low pregnancy success rates
  • High miscarriage rates
  • High chance for birth defects

Gender Selection Expertise

Please discuss your family planning goals during your initial consultation with Dr. John Zhang at New Hope Fertility Centercall 212.969.7422.

How ICSI Technology Helps the Fertility of Older Men

30177403 - digital illustration of sperm and ovule in colour backgroundIt is a myth that men remain fertile throughout their lives. Male fertility actually declines with age – quite dramatically according to a recent IVF study. This new study showed that men cannot conceive children just because they can perform sexually. The older a man is, the harder it is for him to conceive with a partner. About 1/3rd of couples seeking infertility treatment cannot get pregnant due to male-factor infertility. Infertility does not discriminate between females and males. A man’s age should be considered as much as a woman’s when it comes to fertility.

Male-Factor IVF/ICSI Study

Close to 5,000 men undergoing IVF using ICSI to fertilize eggs took part in the study by The Centre for Reproductive & Genetic Health.

  • Only 42 percent of men over 51 had quality sperm
  • Compare – 61 percent of men under 51 had quality sperm

Male-Factor Infertility

Even if a man’s sperm count is normal – it may not be optimal for getting a woman pregnant naturally. Men with normal sperm counts can still be contributing to a couple’s infertility due to several factors.

In order to be considered fertile, a man’s sperm must:

  • Be present in sufficient quantities
  • Be shaped normally
  • Swim in the correct direction
  • Swim at the right speed

Should any of these functions be diagnosed as abnormal, a man may not be able to impregnate a woman because his sperm cannot penetrate her egg. A man may be infertile even if he produces adequate quantities of sperm in ejaculate. Should his sperm be misshaped or not move correctly, fertilization will be difficult, if not impossible.

ICSI Successfully Treats Male-Factor Infertility

Male-factor infertility is successfully treated using Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) technology in conjunction with IVF. ICSI is the direct injection of a single sperm into an egg.

  • Once surgically retrieved, each egg is injected with a single sperm
  • Fertilized eggs are then monitored for signs of embryo development
  • Resulting embryos are closely monitored as they develop through EmbryoScope technology
  • A healthy embryo is then selected and transferred to the mother’s uterus
  • Excess quality embryos are frozen for future Frozen Embryo Transfers (FET).

ICSI and IVF Pregnancy Success

While pregnancy success may vary based on the quality of the sperm, typically between 75 and 85 percent of eggs become fertilized with the use of ICSI. Our Pregnancy Success Rates are reliant on the health of embryos transferred. Only quality eggs and sperm create healthy embryos.

ICSI Technology Expertise for Older Men

To schedule your consultation about how ICSI can help you conceive, call Dr. John Zhang212.969.7422.

Ideal Candidates for Ovarian Rejuvenation Therapy

Good news for women between the ages of 35 and 42 wanting to have a baby! A new and innovative fertility treatment – Ovarian Rejuvenation Therapy – may be able to wake up and coax your nonfunctioning ovaries into producing eggs viable for fertilization. Ovarian Rejuvenation Therapy will not make your ovaries younger – but – it can help a mature woman conceive a pregnancy naturally. If a natural conception fails to occur, you may be able to conceive through the help of other fertility treatments, such as IUI or IVF.

Ideal Candidates for Ovarian Rejuvenation Therapy

There are many women who should consider Ovarian Rejuvenation Therapy as an alternative to multiple failed IVF cycles.

  • Women who have failed multiple IVF treatments due to poor quality eggs
  • Women who want to conceive with their own eggs instead of donated eggs
  • Women diagnosed with Premature Ovarian Failure (POF)
  • Women diagnosed with Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI)
  • Women having a low egg reserve as reflected by an insufficient Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) level
  • Women diagnosed with unexplained infertility
  • Women who want to restore their natural sexual drive and hormonal balance

Ovarian Rejuvenation Therapy

This procedure is performed by injecting a woman’s Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) into her ovaries while she is under anesthesia. The PRP injection stimulates the growth and maturation of egg follicles. The ovaries are infused with proteins rich in growth factors and stem cell chemoattractants.

  • The patient’s ovaries are evaluated via a transvaginal sonogram to make sure they are accessible for the procedure
  • The patient’s blood is drawn to prepare her PRP
  • It takes about 20 minutes to produce PRP by spinning the patient’s blood in a centrifuge
  • The patient is prepared for procedure with the anesthesia Propofol via IV
  • The patient’s ovaries are injected with PRP to rejuvenate dormant follicles so as to yield viable eggs

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

It has been shown that Growth Factors derived from a woman’s blood platelets can regenerate ovarian tissue. By injecting PRP into a woman’s ovaries, new cellular growth can be generated to restore her fertility and hormonal function.

When the body experiences an injury – like a puncture to the ovary in order to inject PRP – Growth Factors are naturally produced by blood platelets and white blood cells. These Growth Factors naturally repair the body’s tissues by stimulating the development of new cells from stem cells to replace the damage to the injury.

Growth Factors

Growth Factors combine and generate the body to repair an injury.

  • Platelets
  • White blood cells
  • Blood clotting

These Growth Factors:

  • Stop bleeding to the injured area
  • Prevent infection to the injured area

These Growth Factors cause the formation of:

  • New tissue
  • New blood vessels
  • New nerves

Pregnancy Chances Post-Ovarian Rejuvenation Therapy

There can be no guarantee that pregnancy will occur after the procedure. This is because Ovarian Rejuvenation is an innovative therapy attempting to reverse natural menopause and positively enhance the quality of existing eggs remaining in the ovaries.

Ovarian Rejuvenation Expertise

You may be an ideal candidate for Ovarian Rejuvenation Therapy. To schedule your consultation with Dr. John Zhang at New Hope Fertility Center – call 212.969.7422.

How IVF/M Brings Your Immature Eggs to Maturity In Vitro

IVF/M technology is used to help a woman’s eggs completely mature in a controlled laboratory setting – instead of inside her body during an IVF cycle. Significantly less fertility medication is used during an IVF/M Cycle than in a Conventional IVF. Eggs from multiple small follicles are retrieved in an immature state to be matured in our state-of-the-art controlled laboratory. Once the immature eggs have matured fully in vitro, they are fertilized via ICSI and embryo culture proceeds.

In Vitro Maturation (IVF/M) Benefits

IVF in conjunction with egg maturation in a laboratory setting (IVF/M) increases a woman’s chance of using her immature eggs for in vitro fertilization and development of quality embryos. No longer are only mature eggs surgically retrieved to be fertilized in vitro.

  • Less fertility medications
  • Reduced cost
  • Less injections
  • Fewer ultrasounds
  • Fewer blood draws
  • Reduced side effects
  • Reduced risk of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS)

IVF/M Procedure

  • Immature eggs are surgically retrieved and placed in a petri dish containing a special maturation medium
  • The eggs are carefully monitored as they fully mature in vitro
  • Each individual egg is fertilized with a single sperm cell being injected into it – Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
  • The fertilized egg is monitored as it transforms into a quality embryo culturing in vitro for several more days
  • When the embryos have developed into a viable stage for transfer (blastocyst stage), they are ready for fresh transfer to the woman’s uterus – or – cryopreservation for future Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) procedures
  • Only the highest quality embryos are selected for fresh transfer or cryopreservation

Candidates for IVF/M

The candidates having the best pregnancy success rates using IVF/M are:

  • Women with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)
  • Cancer patients who are sensitive to hormone therapy
  • Patients who want to reduce their risk of OHSS (ovarian hyperstimultion syndrome)
  • Young women who are able to produce a large number of egg follicles (10 to 15 per fresh cycle)
  • Women having a history of being able to produce a large number of egg follicles (10 to 15 per fresh cycle)
  • Women having an acceptable AMH (anti-mullerian hormone) level
  • Women who are at a healthy weight (BMI) – not obese

IVF/M Pregnancy Success Rates

Women under the age of 30 have the best pregnancy success chances using IVF/M. Pregnancy success rates are lower for women in their advanced maternal years – over 35.

Yearly ART data on IVF success rates is a rich source of information for potential IVF patients. This data gives patients an idea of their average chances of pregnancy success through IVF.

In Vitro Maturation Expertise

To schedule your consultation with Dr. John Zhang, click the icon below – or – call 212.969.7422.

Are You a Primary Candidate for Ovarian Tissue Freezing?

Women now have the option of freezing their ovarian tissue to preserve future fertility. Through ovarian tissue freezing technology, a woman has a good chance of conceiving a biologically-related baby in the future. A woman’s frozen ovarian tissue can be later thawed and transplanted back into her ovary. This revolutionary fertility preservation option is an alternative to egg freezing. Ovarian tissue freezing has proven to be a great option for women trying to preserve both their fertility and hormones.

Primary Candidates for Ovarian Tissue Freezing

There are many women who should consider freezing their ovarian tissue to preserve their future fertility.

  • Women who are facing the removal of their ovaries due to a medical condition
  • Women who are facing chemotherapy – which could damage their ovaries
  • Women between the ages of 33 and 38 who plan to delay childbearing
  • Women who want to preserve hormonal function as well as future fertility
  • Women who want to donate their eggs without undergoing IVF

Ovarian Tissue Freezing & Future Transplant

Ovarian tissue freezing is growing more and more popular because it is a proven safe and successful procedure to preserve a woman’s future fertility. Ovarian tissue freezing is accomplished through an outpatient surgical procedure – laparoscopy. A layer of the outer membrane of one of the woman’s ovaries – the preserved ovary – is removed. The outer membrane of an ovary is where a large number of a woman’s immature eggs are located. This ovarian tissue is cryopreserved for later transplant to the woman’s other ovary – the non-preserved ovary. The National Institutes of Health reported that [h]uman ovarian tissue transplantation has resulted in the birth of over 70 children worldwide. In most cases, the transplanted ovarian tissue strips will regain function and will, once again, produce eggs and hormones.

Celebrated Experts Helping to Preserve Future Fertility

The celebrated fertility specialists at New Hope Fertility Center provide all-encompassing cryopreservation techniques for protecting the fertility of both women and men.

Convenient Conception Options Post-Ovarian Tissue Transplant

To help along the natural conception of a baby for women who have undergone an ovarian tissue transplant, New Hope Fertility Center offers:

Fertility Preservation Expertise

Ovarian tissue freezing is a fertility preservation procedure requiring expertise. Always work with a fertility specialist having in depth research and clinical experience in ovarian tissue freezing and transplant. To schedule your initial consultation with Fertility Preservation Expert – Dr. John Zhang – call 212.969.7422.

Fertility Essentials Q & A Luncheon – Saturday February 29th

A Fertility Essentials Q & A luncheon – presented by Dr. John Zhang – has been designed to help you become well-informed about your customized treatment options. Your attendance is complementary and – as a new patient – you will be automatically entered into a raffle to win one free IVF cycle.

  • Are you seeking a 2nd or 3rd opinion?
  • Have you failed multiple IVF cycles?
  • Are you considering IVF – egg freezing – ovarian rejuvenation therapy – or other fertility treatment plans?

Come join Dr. John Zhang and ask him as many questions as you want!

Fertility Essentials Q&A

  • John Zhang – World Renowned Fertility Specialist
  • 11:30 a.m. – Saturday, February 29th 2020
  • 4 Columbus Circle – 2nd Floor New Hope Piano Lounge
  • Call 212.969.7422 – or click here – to reserve your attendance
  • New patients will receive one free IVF cycle raffle ticket

Dr. John Zhang is a pioneer in developing cutting-edge fertility treatment that is evidence-based.

  • Highest chances of pregnancy
  • Cost-effective
  • Best overall patient trust and satisfaction

Cutting-Edge Fertility Treatment

Patient-Focused Fertility Treatment

To secure your seat at Dr. John Zhang’s Fertility Essentials Q & A Luncheon – 11:30 a.m. Saturday, February 29th – CLICK HERE or call 212.969.7422.

Dr. Zhang’s Contributions to Egg Freezing Technology

The natural maternal aging process has a dramatic negative effect on the quality of a woman’s eggs. The Good News: Thanks to the 20 plus years of research and clinical experience in successful egg freezing by Dr. John Zhang, women no longer have to be cornered into motherhood by their biological clocks. A woman has the option of freezing her eggs to preserve her future fertility into her advanced reproductive years (mid- to late -30s to early 40s + Beyond).

The younger your eggs are when trying to conceive, the better chance you will have of getting pregnant. If you know that one day you would like to become a mother, but feel that now is just not the time, I recommend freezing your eggs. – Dr. John Zhang as quoted in Parenting.

History of Egg Freezing

In 1986, the first birth resulting from a frozen egg was achieved. Since then, amazing strides have been achieved in the field of egg freezing Assisted Reproduction Technology (ART). Today’s ART for egg freezing is in high demand by women who don’t want to be faced with maternal age-related fertility decline. There has been an increased demand for Social Egg Freezing (SEF) – a procedure that allows women to preserve their fertility past their prime reproductive years.

  • From 1986 to 1997 – only 12 babies were born from frozen eggs
  • In 1997 – the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. researched and developed new technologies in egg freezing in an effort to replenish the populations of endangered species
  • Unfortunately – the National Zoo’s efforts in egg freezing ART to propagate rare species could not be funded
  • Since 1997 – the National Zoo’s research and ART in egg freezing was adopted and implemented for human beings by Dr. Zhang’s colleague and friend, Dr. Kawayama
  • From 1997 to today – 1200 babies are born every year using the medical marvel of modern egg freezing ART

Not Too Good to be True!

Dr. Zhang thought Dr. Kawayama’s use of the National Zoo’s research and egg freezing ART for humans was too good to be true – he was hesitant to believe it was possible.

What’s the good news? Dr. Zhang has successfully achieve healthy pregnancies and births of babies using cutting-edge egg freezing ART for over 20 years. Read an amazing story in Harper’s Bazaar that features how Dr. Zhang’s Division of Fertility Preservation has played a major role in informing women of their future family planning options.

  • Zhang was the first doctor in New York to achieve a live birth from egg freezing
  • Zhang was one of the first doctors in the U.S. to use the vitrification flash freezing method
  • Vitrification is a rapid freezing technique used to prevent the formation of damaging ice crystals between egg cells

Egg Freezing Pioneer and Expert

Based on amazing high pregnancy success rates using a woman’s frozen egg, Dr. Zhang believes that the process for freezing your eggs will be as easy as going to the gym! Stay tuned for more updates and personal egg freezing success stories from our happy patients.

It is important to work with a fertility specialist having the experience required to design a customized egg freezing plan for your needs. To schedule your consultation, click the icon below – or – call 212.969.7422.

Cutting-Edge Genetic Testing in Conjunction With IVF

Non-Invasive Chromosomal Screening (NICS) is a cutting-edge genetic testing methodology used to evaluate the chromosomal status of an embryo culturing in vitro during the Blastocyst stage (5 to 6 days). The implementation of NICS genetic testing methodology marks a huge and truly a momentous achievement by Dr. John Zhang. NICS increases IVF and Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) pregnancy success rates by up to 30 percent.

Advantages of NICS Methodology

Cutting-edge NICS technology in conjunction with IVF detects most chromosomal abnormalities in embryos culturing in vitro without the need to remove cells by needle stick. NICS increases IVF and FET pregnancy success rates by up to 30%.

Advantages of NICS Procedure

  • Less embryo manipulation
  • Culture media is processed on site (no transportation concerns)
  • Avoids disruptive embryo biopsies which have been recently shown to increase the risk of pre-eclampsia and placental problems in pregnancy
  • Improved birth rates of healthy babies
  • Gender identification and selection

Candidates for NICS

  • Any woman desiring prenatal genetic screening to rule out Down’s Syndrome or other syndromes
  • Women desiring to lower the risk of a miscarriage
  • Recurrent pregnancy loss (2 or more miscarriages)
  • Recurrent implantation failure (multiple failed embryo transfers)

NICS Methodology

  • Oocyte – egg retrieval
  • ICSI – Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection
  • Day 5 or 6 Blastocyst – development of embryo in vitro culture
  • Culture Medium Collection – no intrusion on embryo
  • NICS Sample Preparation
  • Next Generation Sequencing
  • Result Reporting

NICS Outcome

NICS is an in vitro evaluation of the efficacy of a single-embryo transfer at the blastocyst stage (5 to 6 days development in vitro). NICS is the sequencing of free genomic DNA in the culture medium of individual blastocysts and obtaining chromosomal ploidy information.

When abnormal embryos detected using NICS, they are discarded. Only quality embryos are transferred to the mother’s uterus – or – frozen (cryopreserved) for future FETs.

  • NICS does not require an embryo biopsy (extraction of cells)
  • NICS is non-invasive procedure because a small sample of culture media surrounding the embryo is extracted for testing
  • NICS causes little to no stress on the embryo as it develops in vitro

NICS Can Increase IVF Pregnancy Success Rate Up To 30 Percent!

State-of-the-art genetics technologies have proven to increase IVF pregnancy rates. Through the medical marvel of NICS in conjunction with IVF, genetic and chromosomal abnormalities can be detected in embryos.

  • Only high quality embryos are transferred to the patient’s uterus
  • Only high quality embryos are cryopreserved for future FET procedures

Aging and Embryo Quality

As a woman advances in age, the chance for low quality embryos increases.

Low quality embryos result in:

  • Low pregnancy success rates
  • High miscarriage rates
  • High chance for birth defects

NICS Genetic Testing Methodology in Conjunction with IVF

Dr. John Zhang offers the highest IVF pregnancy rates and best overall patient satisfaction by successfully using NICS genetic testing methodology in conjunction with IVF. To schedule your initial consultation with Dr. John Zhang – call 212.969.7422.

Compassionate LGBTQ Family Planning Doctor in NYC

52102476 - smiling gay couple with child at homeEvery person has the right to have a family of their own. This has been Dr. John Zhang’s mission statement since 2004 – the year he founded New Hope Fertility Center. Sexual orientation bias has no place in the practice of fertility.

LGBTQ Family Planning Options

Dr. Zhang is renowned worldwide for providing cutting-edge LGBTQ family planning options to his same-sex patients. The Doctor steadfastly pursues his mission of reducing the physical, emotional, and financial toll of every LGBTQ patient during their quest to have a baby.

  • No sexual orientation judgments
  • No gender or transgender bias
  • No personal or religious judgments
  • No judgments toward interracial couples
  • No judgments about marital status

Family Planning Options for Male Couples

Gestational Surrogacy – selecting and using donor eggs fertilized in vitro with the sperm from one of the partners

Gestational surrogacy can be used to achieve a pregnancy through IVF using:

  • Donor Eggs
  • Intended father’s sperm

Egg Donor Recipients – selecting and using donor eggs to accomplish gestational surrogacy

Family Planning Options for Female Couples

  • IUI – Intrauterine Insemination (artificial insemination) using donor sperm
  • IVF – In Vitro Fertilization using eggs from one partner and donor sperm

Cutting-Edge LGBTQ IVF Protocols

You can realize your dream of building a family through our cutting-edge reproductive technologies.

Donor Eggs and Sperm

Regardless of the gender combination of LGBTQ couples – or singles wanting to be a solo parent – the process of selecting donor eggs or donor sperm has been substantially streamlined for our patients’ ease.

We offer world class – yet affordable – support packages for the selection of donor eggs and donor sperm. Our donor program is extremely successful because we use the most cutting-edge cryopreservation and IVF technologies.

IUI Procedure

The most common fertility treatment for lesbian couples is IUI. Timed with induced ovulation, the patient is artificially inseminated with a highly concentrated amount of motile donor sperm. The IUI procedure is performed in the doctor’s office and requires no anesthesia.

  • The patient’s monthly cycle is regulated using oral medication
  • An oral fertility medication – typically Clomid or Femara – is then self-administered by the patient to stimulate multiple egg follicle production
  • The growth of egg follicles are monitored through regular vaginal ultrasound imaging and blood tests
  • Once the egg follicles have reached a mature stage, ovulation is induced using an injectable trigger medication – hCG – human chorionic gonadotropin
  • The ovulation of multiple eggs, timed with sperm insemination, increases the patient’s chances of pregnancy
  • A highly concentrated amount of motile donor sperm is inserted into the cervix using a very thin catheter – similar to a pap smear procedure
  • The patient is instructed to self-administer progesterone to thicken her uterine lining in preparation for embryo implantation between the IUI procedure and the pregnancy test
  • A pregnancy test is scheduled

Two IUI inseminations are performed between 12 and 36 hours after hCG administration to increase the patient’s chances of pregnancy.

IVF Procedure

One partner’s eggs are harvested for IVF using donor sperm. The other partner carries the pregnancy.

  • The partners’ cycles are regulated to coincide with one another
  • The partner producing the eggs self-administers fertility medications to stimulate multiple egg production
  • The growth and development of egg follicles are regularly monitored with pelvic ultrasounds and blood level hormone measurements
  • Once the egg follicles have matured, the patient self-administers an ovulation inducing medication – hCG
  • The eggs are surgically retrieved using a transvaginal ultrasound-guided aspiration tool
  • The eggs are fertilized in vitro with donor sperm using The ovulation of multiple eggs, timed with insemination, increases the patient’s chances of pregnancy ICSI – a single sperm is injected directly into one egg
  • All resulting embryos will culture in a controlled laboratory setting until they reach an optimum stage of development – up to 5 days
  • A high quality embryo is transferred to the carrier partner’s uterus via an insemination catheter – similar to a Pap smear procedure
  • The carrier partner is instructed to self-administer progesterone to thicken her uterine lining in preparation for embryo implantation between transfer and the pregnancy test
  • A pregnancy test is scheduled

Gestational Surrogacy Using Donor Eggs

Gestational Surrogacy – Using donor eggs to be fertilized with the sperm from one of the partners. The resulting embryo is transferred to a surrogate who will carry the baby.

Egg Donor Recipient Program – Acquiring donor eggs to accomplish gestational surrogacy.

Gestational surrogacy may be used to achieve a pregnancy and birth using a surrogate  mother.

  • Donor eggs
  • Intended father’s sperm

A surrogate match is selected by the Intended Parents through a leading agency specializing in gestational surrogacy – New Beginnings Surrogacy

  • Once the perfect surrogate match has been located, the surrogate’s cycle is regulated in preparation for embryo transfer timing
  • In sync with the surrogate’s cycle, the donor eggs are thawed and fertilized with the intended father’s sperm using ICSI
  • ICSI is a procedure in which a single sperm is injected directly into the donor’s eggs in a controlled laboratory environment
  • Once fertilization is achieved, the resulting embryos are monitored regularly for growth and development quality – up to 5 days
  • A quality embryo is transferred to the surrogate’s uterus
  • Excess quality embryos can be cryopreserved for future Frozen Embryo Transfers (FET) procedures

LGBTQ Family Planning Doctor in NYC

It is important to work with a fertility doctor having the research and clinical experience required to design a customized LGBTQ treatment plan meeting your personal and medical needs. To schedule your initial consultation with Dr. John Zhang at New Hope Fertility Center – call 212.969.7422.

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