Category Archives: Ovulation

How to Make Sure You Are Properly Tracking Your Ovulation

Ovulation one of the most important aspects of fertility.  Once ovulation occurs, there is only a 24 hour window where a woman is fertile and fertilization can happen.  Therefore, properly identifying when your ovulation occurs is key to becoming pregnant.  There are a number of ways women can track their ovulation.  When done properly, women can time intercourse in order to maximize their likelihood of becoming pregnant. Extra.J

Read more: How to Make Sure You Are Properly Tracking Your Ovulation

Can DHEA Improve Egg Health in Women?

Egg health is one of the most important factors in a woman’s fertility.  A woman with poor egg quality will have difficulty becoming pregnant and is more likely to miscarry.  Traditionally, the only way to address poor egg quality was to harvest a large number of eggs in an attempt to find ones that were suitable for fertilization.  However, advances in fertility medicine and the use of DHEA can enhance the quality of a woman’s eggs.2015-7

Read more: Can DHEA Improve Egg Health in Women?

4 Secrets To Naturally Increasing Your Fertility

Fertility treatment is often thought of as involving medication to push the body to be more fertile.  Contrary to that belief, natural fertility treatments are on the rise and have proven to have success rates that rival that of traditional fertility care.   Before seeking treatment for your fertility concerns, there are four things you can do to naturally improve your fertility. 2015-7

Read more: 4 Secrets To Naturally Increasing Your Fertility

Why Irregular Periods Are Not As Damaging To Your Fertility As You May Think

A normal woman’s cycle is 28 days long.  While irregular periods can be a sign of a larger fertility concern, that is not always the case.  As many as a third of women experience irregular periods during their fertile years.  Understandably, women may find this concerning, but often the change in frequency is due to a minor issue:


Read more: Why Irregular Periods Are Not As Damaging To Your Fertility As You May Think

Top IVF Apps To Download

Technology is becoming an integral part of our lives.  Smartphones are our calendars, contact lists, entertainment and information centers.  In fact, there are several apps that aid with fertility care and trying to conceive.

Here are a few apps that may help your fertility journey:

Read more: Top IVF Apps To Download

Tips For Improving The Odds Of Conception

Trying to conceive and not being successful is one of the most stressful issues a couple can face. Often, women and men have no problem there’s an issue until they’re not successful becoming pregnant on their own. There are some things you can do to increase your odds of conceiving.

Using the tips below can help to increase your odds of getting pregnant.

Read more: Tips For Improving The Odds Of Conception