A person’s overall health plays a large role in their fertility. Many people do not realize that the food they eat can impact their ability to start a family. Proper dieting and adopting a healthy lifestyle can help improve your chance of getting pregnant.
A common cause of infertility in women is having a diminished ovarian reserve. A diminished ovarian reserve means that a woman is less likely to produce a high quality egg that is suited for pregnancy. These women have a more difficult time becoming pregnant and are more likely to suffer a miscarriage due to the low quality of their eggs. Using DHEA as a part of fertility care has been clinically proven to increase the chance of pregnancy and live birth.
Read more: Can DHEA Really Enhance Your Fertility Treatments?
Read more: Dr. John Zhang’s Work on Mitochondrial DNA transfers
More and more women are looking to start a family on their own terms, once they are ready. Readiness means different things to different people. Some women want to achieve career aspirations before starting a family. Others may have personal goals like traveling the world or purchasing a home in their ideal neighborhood that they want to achieve first. For women who are in a committed relationship, or who intend to use donor sperm, embryo banking may be the ideal fertility preservation method.
Read more: Want to Start a Family But You’re Just Not Ready? Embryo Banking Could Be Your Answer
In-Vitro Maturization (IVM) is a technique that allows an egg that was not fully developed at the time of egg retrieval, to continue to mature in the lab. An immature egg takes more time to fertilize, therefore a woman’s ovulation time is around 14 days to insure that the egg will be at the proper stage for insemination. A culture medium is used to mature the egg, which contains important amino acids. Occasionally the amino acids can be supplemented with follicular fluid from the donor eggs to enhance egg maturation in the lab.
Many couples have no idea there is a problem with sperm count until they try to start a family. If your husband has a low sperm count, understanding the problem and how it is treated can help reduce the uncertainty about your ability to have a family.
Read more: What Can I Do If My Husband Has a Low Sperm Count
When a couple receives an infertility diagnosis, it can be devastating. There are real psychological issues that can result in response to infertility. Managing stress, having a strong support network and creating an environment for open communication are important for navigating the emotional effects of infertility.
Read more: What Are The Possible Psychological Issues Related To Infertility
Should you consider DHEA?
A few words about an exciting new protocol.
Hi, everyone. One of the hottest topics in IVF treatment right now is the use of DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) for patients who respond poorly to controlled ovarian stimulation. Up to 1 in 4 IVF cycles are characterized by poor ovarian response. “Poor responders,” as they’re known, suffer from Diminished Ovarian Reserve resulting in fewer oocytes and decreased rates of pregnancy.
The journey to starting a family isn’t always easy. As many as one in every eight couples will have trouble trying to conceive. Seeing a negative result when you’ve done everything “right” can be stressful and heartbreaking. If you’ve been trying to get pregnant without success, do not give up hope! There are many treatment plans available to address a number of medical causes of fertility issues.
Read more: Trying To Conceive? – Don’t Lose Hope, You Still Have More Options
Women are often thought of as being the reason for a couple having difficulty conceiving. While women have more “moving parts” that play a role in fertility, male factor infertility accounts for between 30 and 45 percent of fertility problems. Female factor infertility accounts for another 30 to 45 percent of fertility issues, with the remainder being a result of both female and male fertility concerns. It is important to realize that the reproductive health of both partners plays a critical role in the ability to start a family.
Read more: Could Your Male Partner Be The Reason You Can’t Get Pregnant – Infertility Works Both Ways