Category Archives: Male Infertility

4 Tips For Making Healthy Sperm

young-happy-pregnant-coupleMale fertility factors are equally likely to contribute to a couple’s infertility as are female reproductive issues. Sperm health is one of the most important aspect of male fertility. Men can improve sperm health over time. Healthy, active, motile sperm are more likely to result in pregnancy. Thankfully, there are several steps men can take to improve their sperm health.Read more: 4 Tips For Making Healthy Sperm

Collecting a Sperm Sample – How Does it Work?

Fertility treatment is often thought of as a woman’s issue.  This is partially due to the fact that women have more working parts in their reproductive systems.  Additionally, women are more likely to talk about fertility concerns with their friends and family.  Men play a vital role in the fertility process.  However, they may be unprepared for what it means to provide a sperm sample.shutterstock_115989118

Read more: Collecting a Sperm Sample – How Does it Work?

What Can I Do If My Husband Has a Low Sperm Count

Many couples have no idea there is a problem with sperm count until they try to start a family.  If your husband has a low sperm count, understanding the problem and how it is treated can help reduce the uncertainty about your ability to have a family.

shutterstock_115989118-smallRead more: What Can I Do If My Husband Has a Low Sperm Count

Could Your Male Partner Be The Reason You Can’t Get Pregnant – Infertility Works Both Ways

Women are often thought of as being the reason for a couple having difficulty conceiving. While women have more “moving parts” that play a role in fertility, male factor infertility accounts for between 30 and 45 percent of fertility problems. Female factor infertility accounts for another 30 to 45 percent of fertility issues, with the remainder being a result of both female and male fertility concerns. It is important to realize that the reproductive health of both partners plays a critical role in the ability to start a family.

shutterstock_201672500Read more: Could Your Male Partner Be The Reason You Can’t Get Pregnant – Infertility Works Both Ways

Male Sexual Health and Laptop Use – Is His Fertility at Stake?

father-babyWhen a couple is trying to conceive, there are many things they can do to improve their fertility.  Eating right, regularly exercising, and getting enough sleep can all improve health and improve a couple’s fertility.  Most couples know that eliminating smoking and alcohol can increase fertility and do what they can to be at optimal health.  However, something that many men do every day may be decreasing their fertility, and they are completely unaware.

Read more: Male Sexual Health and Laptop Use – Is His Fertility at Stake?